New Coming soon

Not tax experts. But we can calculate gains and losses on investments for

Managing and monitoring profits and losses outside tax-wrapped accounts throughout the year across multiple brokerages.

Free Calculators

More are being added on a weekly basis.

General Trading Calculator (In Progress)

Calculate gains and losses from multiple trades within a custom date range.

Free FIFO Stocks Profit Calculator

Calculate your stock gains or losses using the First In, First Out (FIFO) method with the Stocks FIFO Calculator.

Free Stocks Weighted Average Calculator

Easily calculate your stock gains or losses using the Weighted Average Cost method with our Stocks Weighted Average Calculator.

Free Options FIFO Calculator

Calculate your options gains or losses for long and short positions using the FIFO accounting method.

Interactive Broker Calculator (In Progress)

Use our Interactive Broker Calculator with their spreadsheet to compute gains, losses for stocks and options.

Free Stocks LIFO Calculator

Determine your stock gains or losses with ease using the Last In, First Out (LIFO) method with the Stocks LIFO Calculator.

Free Options LIFO Calculator

Calculate your options gains or losses for long and short positions using the LIFO accounting method.

Hi everyone 👋

I'm Gemma. Creator of

I was so financially illiterate and for so long. But after listening to a presentation from a friend, I opened my first ISA with Hargreaves and Lansdown, dollar cost averaging into some funds in 2020. Then I opened another one with Trading 212 the next year.

Until 2024, I never had to worry about taxes.

But then I decided I'd move to Spain. I always wanted to. I travelled back and forth and grew to love the people, slower pace of life, the sunny climate and the language.

The only issue was, they taxed world wide income. That includes income from an ISA, be it dividends or capital gains. The UK had a good tax allowance even if I wasn't using an ISA. But in Spain, I would have to pay.

So I decided I needed to track my P/L when I did sell any assets. I needed to keep track of it so I knew how much to put aside for the Spanish tax man.

And that's how Uposcar became a profit tracking tool to track P/L across multiple brokerages. While it's not a tax calculation tool, the profit calculations tools so far are all free. They're basic, best for single stock calculations across multiple trades. But I'll be doing multi-asset calculations soon.

If you want to see a fully fledged dashboard, feel free to contact me, or join the waiting list and share your opinion on what you think the dashboard should look like.

Adios amigos

Jese Leos

Senior Software Engineer & Creator of UpOscar

Want to be one of the first users?

You can help shape the initial features and the direction of the product. And as a thank you for your time, you and a friend will get free-forever access to the product. Here are some features under development.

Use on the go

Monitor your portfolio and track profits on-the-go with a mobile application.

FIFO, LIFO, and Weighted Average Methods

Support for different accounting methods to calculate profits and losses for your needs.

Portfolio History Tracking

Handle 1000+ transactions. Review and analyse past activities, from stocks to options and covered calls, ensuring a complete understanding of your investment journey.

Multi-Brokerage Integration

Connect and sync data from multiple brokerage accounts, providing a unified view of your investments for comprehensive tracking.

Multi-Currency Support

Track and manage your investments in multiple currencies. Automatically convert and calculate profits, losses, and portfolio value in your chosen base currency

Stocks and Options

Track profits and losses from stocks and buying and shorting call and put options.

Free Tools Manifesto

No ads

Ads come with tracking, and with financial data, we'd prefer not sharing any information with third-parties.

No data

Even if we upload a file, the file is not stored on our server. We also do not log file data. Any data we accidentally log will not be stored by us.

Almost no cookies

While cookies are useful, someone's private data should stay exactly that, private data. But we use Pirsch Analytics which collect minimal data on site visits without extracting personal data. You can view exactly what is tracked on our analytics dashboard. I also use Bugsnag to catch code issues easily that's missed during testing.

Calculate and track investment gains and losses

Calculate gains and losses on investments from stocks and options using FIFO, LIFO or pooling average accounting methods.

Join waiting listing

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Big North Company Ltd. All rights reserved.
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